So Nick shouldn't have to work at his full time job this weekend. I think he will probably work at his part time tho. I;m rather hoping he takes Saturday off since there's an auction sale right in our little town! It's so nice to just go to the sales when there only a few miles away. Of course the last one we went to we ended up filling the car and Nick went home to get the truck so for a total of 53 dollars we filled them both. I admit most of it was books but if your like us those are treasures. So I've left the paper with the auction sale on it on his chair and we'll see what he says tonight. It's just a fun time we get to spend together. They usually sell food there too basically hot dogs. It's one of the fun "date" like things we do. He usually picks out stuff he wants and I don't see much I have to have. I do like to go and look for neat old things I really want to get a sewing machine so I can work on my denim quilt I have a bunch of squares cut but none sewn together.
There's also an auction on Thursday night but he has to work which is a shame because it's a literature auction. Oh well.
So tonight I'm making some coleslaw (this is a pain I'm a miracle whip girl he only eats mayo). I'm going to try mixing them and see if he notices it to much. If he does well he can just eat the steak, baked potato and I think I'll cook up the rest of the small shrimp with garlic and butter for dinner. I mean what man can complain about a surf and turf dinner? I guess he can but I have a bunch of big cast iron pans and a marble rolling pin....He likes baked potato's I like them mashed but I'm avoiding carbs as much as I can so popping his potato in the micro will be easier.
Speaking of potato's; how many of you have grown sweet potato's in a colder state? I'm attempting to grow some and I think next year I'll just buy them. I love them but from what I've read about the curring them with heat so they get sweet it seems like a lot of work? Nick said his mother grew some and they got as big as his head. I don't know about that especially since he likes them sweet with marshmallows and I prefer them with butter and garlic salt. Let me know your gardening stories please!
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