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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Making Money Online ICS

So I requested payment from http://www.instantcashsweepstakes.com/invitations/ref_link/335129 this morning and have already received my 2 dollars on the same day (through paypal) to celebrate I made homemade brownies!  OK I topped them with cream cheese( which i beat eggs sugar and vanilla into).  I have no idea how they'll turn out since its a new brownie recipe but it sure sounded good and the batter tasted awesome!
This is the brownie recipe

Sunday, December 4, 2011


WWW.opensky.com Love this website seems a bit pricy but they have a ton of neat stuff!  Plus when you sign up you get a 10 dollar credit and when your friends buy something you refereed you get 25 dollars to spend and you cant beat that!
 http://osky.co/sTGik6 to get your free 10 dollar sign up


So I've been doing www.Superpoints.com, it's a pretty simple site they do offer surveys to do but I've just been clicking the super lucky button.  I found a link to sign up because you have to be referred and so far it seems simple and easy to do.  Has anyone tried it?  Do you want to?

It works on a referral system you can get what your friends make if your at gold.  I'm at the basic member level and only get 30 clicks a day.   If this isn't for you and you want to just earn money through paypal consider http://www.instantcashsweepstakes.com/invitations/ref_link/335129
this website does super short surveys and as you continue to do them you get a higher trust level and more surveys!  They are almost always 3 questions and super short plus payout is two dollars which is nice!